A Time to Pray

Click on this Link to view the Video we played in Church Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

A Time To Pray

Lifehouse – Everything (Drama Skit of Love)

Lifehouse – Everything (Drama Skit of Love)

Thanking our Sunday School teachers today… We showed this video that shows the importance of equipping our “kids” with God’s Truth and knowing Jesus as their Savior and defender who will fight for their lives and their affection.

Let’s Build A Chapel in the Mountains…

We heard the booming echos of our traditional morning wake-up call at 4:00 AM… When I say “We” i am referring here to the Guys…Apparently the ladies slept a little longer and in spite of that slight additional respite… we were on the road to La Vega by 5:15 AM…

Noe had left the night before because the renal truck would have been slower up the mountain road than the TIME Bus, so he slept in La Vaga last night at the Pastor’s house.  The trip was fairly quick on the highway…then we turned on the road to La Vega…

A little mountainous...

A little mountainous…

But when the bus stopped, we were at a beautiful mountain view area west of La Vega. We exited the bus, had a quick breakfast, then gathered around the foundation and prayed a prayer of dedication for the chapel we were about to build and for God’s blessing on the congregation and upon us as we begun our construction.  Thankfully Noe had already set the Sill Plate on the foundation so we hit the ground running. The corners were set, and before you know it, we were fully assembled (All 4 walls) in under 1 hour.

Gathering to Pray before we build.

Gathering to Pray before we build.

Walls well under way…

IMG_9500 IMG_9499 IMG_9501

The building was checked for square, the top plate nailed in place and then it was time to set the trusses and start adding roof panels. We started from the back of the chapel (as the building area was constrained and the rear had a rather significant drop-off…

Old Friends... Rich, Noe & "Guapito" aka Evan

Old Friends… Rich, Noe & “Guapito” aka Evan

We are always blessed to have the privilege of spending time with our dear friends in the DR. Having personally been involved with TIME Ministries and the dear friends who serve here for 10 years, I can truly say I love the people and the place. And I am pretty sure that is a contagious emotion…just ask someone when you see them in church.

The dedication of the chapel and the presentation of the Keys to the Building, was done by Pastor David. The local Pastor was so appreciative of what this building that they have been praying for for 9 years,  will mean for this mountainous area of La Vega. It was our privilege to be able to share in this work that God had planned well in advance for us to experience.

The Pastor being encouraged and equipped to build the kingdom...

The Pastor being encouraged and equipped to build the kingdom…

The 2014 Missions Team, TIME staff and local church members.

The 2014 La Vega Mission Trip Team

The 2014 La Vega Mission Trip Team


Wednesday- Can we Build…YES WE CAN

With the return of the Foundation Team, today we are at full strength.  A great deal was accomplished yesterday, both at the Chapel site in La Vega and back at the TIME Center.  The remaining panels, window shutters, 2- doors and 4 Gable Ends needed to be constructed.  So, after another great breakfast, we were hard at it.


Breakfast of Champions...

Breakfast of Champions…

Start to Build Those Panels...

Start to Build Those Panels…

Russ and Carl the Door Makers

Russ and Carl the Door Makers

Guess What Color the Window Slats Are?

Guess What Color the Window Slats Are?

11 Window Slats for The Chapel

11 Window Slats for The Chapel



We had a very productive day… All the components were completed and loaded on to the truck.  In that truck, is an entire 20′ x 24′ chapel that will be set on the foundation (prepared in advance… That’s Biblical)

Church in a Box!

Church in a Box!

After the build, some of us went to the basketball court for Jean Carlos Sports Ministry. We had young guys from middle school to young adults playing “Basket”…

"That's a Tall Gringo"

“That’s a Tall Gringo”

"That's a Tall Gringo"

“That’s a Tall Gringo”

"Use Those Wings Evan" h/t Coach Matthews

“Use Those Wings Evan”
h/t Coach Matthews

We all gathered back at the TIME Center and then made a Supplemental Food Run to Don Tato’s…

Don Tato... Food, Ice Cream... Short Money compared to a Cape Cod trip for Ice Cream and snacks for 20... was about 1,800 pesos ($42USD)

Don Tato… Food, Ice Cream… Short Money compared to a Cape Cod trip for Ice Cream and snacks for 20… was about 1,800 pesos ($42USD)

Then back to the TIME Center to hit the rack for our 4:00 AM wake-up call for Build Day!


Tuesday… Early for all (Very Early The Foundation Team)

The Chapel we are building is in the village of La Vega (about 1-1/2 Hours Away) So the Foundation Team woke up at 4:00 AM and were rolling at 5:00 AM for the trip to the site.

La Vega..More Detail to come when the guys get back...

La Vega..More Detail to come when the guys get back…

The Actual Site in the hills of La Vega

The Actual Site in the hills of La Vega

The remainder of the team “slept-in” until 6:00 AM.  We then

Up On The Roof...For those who have been here before, a significant improvement has been added on the roof.

Up On The Roof…For those who have been here before, a significant improvement has been added on the roof.


But the view in the morning is still the same…”Perfect”

We had our morning devotions (led by Cindy) She shared the story of God’s call on her life to Missions, on His faithfulness in continuing His call on both she and Kris after they were married and how He continues to sustain them daily as they seek Him for direction in their lives.

We came downstairs to a wonderful breakfast

We came downstairs to a wonderful breakfast



And have I mentioned Dominican Coffee? Rich and I (and the rest of the Team) are living Large and Fully Caffeinated as we start and throughout our day.)

Then at 8:00 AM It was work time again… and more hammering, cutting, driving wood screws and before we knew it, it was 10:15



The Coke is made with Natural Sugar… Go Figure?


Work Hard, Break Hard, Fellowship Hard…


Red Rock Cream Soda, The Official Soda of Window Slat Routers in the DR.


Large glass bottles, refillable bottles, with some familiar names and some new ones…ALL TASTY!

Back to work, more construction to be done.  Thee was painting, building window panels, door panels, roof panels. A break for lunch and then back at it until 4:00 with temps in the high 80’s you didn’t mind it as much because of the steady afternoon breeze…Thank you Lord!

At 4:30 a second night of Jean Carlos’ Sports Ministry was focused on younger kids. (Pictures will be updated soon.)

The foundation crew returned around 7:30 PM and they received a Hero’s Welcome..We all clapped for them upon their ascending the staircase to the main level of the TIME Center. Exhausted, Dirty (Smelly) but with a strong sense of accomplishment (and some sunburn)… The Foundation was is great shape for the locals to wrap up prior to Thursday’s build.

The Foundation Team (most of them at least)

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Dinner was great as usual. We offered to clean up as some of the kitchen staff had been her since 6:00 AM so those of us who worked at the TIME Center today, did the clean-up.  Then it was off for a road trip to get some ice cream and I believe sleep is in order… Because at 6:00 AM tomorrow, we build, build, build the remaining components so we can load them into the box truck tomorrow afternoon and get ready for the entire team to head to La Vega for the build on Thursday morning.  Good Night for now.


Monday…A Little Later

We were able to sleep in Monday and start our day at 9:30. (This will not be the case from here on out). We gathered as a group for a fashionably late breakfast to fuel us for our first partial day of work.  But before that…Paper work and orientation. (The paper work was only currency exchange from US$ to DR Pasos and all of our Passports were collected and locked away in the Safe, just to be sure we can all get home)

Site Director Noe with our Monday Morning Orientation

Site Director Noe Figueroa with our Monday Morning Orientation

We then were given the low-down on the schedule for the week ahead and some possible options for our Free Time from Kris, Cindy (and Paul)

Kris, Cindy and Paul filling us in on the week ahead

TIME Missionaries Kris, Cindy and Paul Anderson filling us in on the week ahead

And our long TIME friend the newly married Jean Carlos and his wife Crismery gave us the information on the Sports Ministry that that we would be participating in this week (including tonight)

Jean Carlos and Crismery, TIME Missionaries.

Jean Carlos and Crismery, TIME Missionaries.

And Then it was..HAMMER TIME.


The Chapels are constructed using 4’x8′ panels all assembled in advance, by us, at the TIME Center.

The Ladies were Rocking their first panel

The Ladies & Harold were Rocking their first panel

Tool, Yeah, We Got That...

Tool, Yeah, We Got That…

Team Chase II constructing a Roof Panel

Team Chase II constructing a Roof Panel

While the older member of Team Ferrie ran the Chop Saw like a Rock Star…

Chop, Chop, Chop...

Chop, Chop, Chop…

Fresh Food after a days work...

Fresh Food after a days work…

Then off to court…Basketball Court that is. Jean Carlos’ sports Ministry on the Basketball court with a very well organized pick-up game. The guys from the church us this as an opportunity to invite friends who might not attend church to come and play a little ball.  Tonight, they heard from Rich Chase on the importance of pre-game stretching…

Hold that for 20 seconds and then go a little wider...

Hold that for 20 seconds and then go a little wider…

Then Evan gave his testimony about how as young men they often view themselves as indestructible and nothing can happen to them… He shared about his accident and how in the midst of that, God’s hand of protection was on him. Even though he was a strong college athlete, all of that meant nothing when the accident occurred. Without God saving him, he would not be here playing basketball tonight.  He will have a chance to speak again to another group Wednesday night.

Evan Talking to the Basketball Players

Evan Talking to the Basketball Players

Evan (the tall one) and Jean Carlos

Evan (the tall one) and Jean Carlos

From the Charity Stripe...

From the Charity Stripe…

We then returned to the TIME Center for dinner and for the most collapsed into our bunks… All in all A Great Day!



Monday morning Santo Domingo… Flight land around 3 o’clock and we made our way through customs found all our bags and  walked out of the controlled area an saw two familar faces, TIME Missionaries Kris Anderson and our very old (but very young) friend Jean Carlos.
Smiles, hugs, more smiles, introductions and then we loaded all of our luggage in the TIME Bus for the trip from the airport to the TIME Center in Villa Mella, Santo Domingo Norte.  But as is our custom, before we do any travel, the group held hands in a circle and we prayed. Kris prayed for our safe travel and for God to reveal the plan He would have for us this week, that we would be a blessing to the village where we are building, and all those we meet this week.

2014 Dominican Republic Mission Trip


Easter Sunday… He is Risen and after a joyous service, time with family and possibly a very short nap, we are off to Logan for our evening flight to Santo Domingo. We are on our charter bus with our luggage and 18 Cape Codders all excited for what God has planned for us to accomplish for His Glory this week.

We made it to Logan, procured boarding passes for all of us, paid for our extra bags, tried to get credit from JetBlue for the one bag we shouldn’t have paid for (45 minutes first with great promise, but ending in “The Supervisor will not approve this.”… We press on… Through TSA (Some how forgetting to take you wallet out of your pocket get you special treatment) full pad down and a “Sniffer Test”… but I passed with Flying Colors (and thanked the TSA Agent for doing their job and protecting the flying public…

Waiting To Board Our Flight In Boston

Waiting To Board Our Flight In Boston

Monday morning Santo Domingo… Flight land around 3 o’clock and we made our way through customs found all our bags and  walked out of the controlled area an saw two familar faces, TIME Missionaries Kris Anderson and our very old (but very young) friend Jean Carlos.
Smiles, hugs, more smiles, introductions and then we loaded all of our luggage in the TIME Bus for the trip from the airport to the TIME Center in Villa Mella, Santo Domingo Norte.  But as is our custom, before we do any travel, the group held hands in a circle and we prayed. Kris prayed for our safe travel and for God to reveal the plan He would have for us this week, that we would be a blessing to the village where we are building, and all those we meet this week.

The TIME Bus...You must Experience it sometime, It does have AC!

The TIME Bus…You must Experience it sometime, It does have AC!

We arrived at the TIME Center in Villa Mella, around 3:45 am, unloaded our luggage, made our way to our dorm rooms and “All Settled Down For A Good Nights/Mornings Sleep”…We were able to sleep in until 9:30 Monday…Thank You TIME.

The Best Made Plans…

It was not for a lack of planning, all the paperwork was in and flights paid for, our bags were packed and then came the snow….



JetBlue canceled our flight for the 26 of us to go to the DR for our mission trip. Hours were spent on phones and online trying to find a workaround, but sometimes it’s just not meant to be…
Our 2014 DR trip is officially POSTPONED to either the spring or summer. We trust God has arranged this for our good and His glory so we look forward to a His timing for this trip.

So now we shovel…

Getting Ready For Our 2014 DR Trip

A Team from both Grace & Hope Church’s will be in the Dominican Republic this coming week and constructing our 5th chapel with TIME Ministries.  Please pray for our team and follow/message us via this Blog while we are away.

You can see a video slideshow of our 2011 trip by clicking on the following link